Our Story

Our founder, Scott J Mahurin, became a born-again Christian in 1993, his sophomore year of high school. He graduated from the University of Idaho in 1999 with BS degrees in History and Philosophy. As a student, he was involved in organizing projects with Campus Crusade for Christ and Collegiate Reformed Fellowship. 

After graduation, he was unsure of the Lord's call on his life, so he studied for one year at Greyfriars Hall in Moscow, ID and began a three year tenure in the campus ministry of Christ Church there in Moscow. It was at this time he also began teaching in Christian K-12 education.  In 2004, he moved to Florida. 

Like most evangelicals, Scott considered himself pro-life and anti-abortion and believed that the most he could do would be to vote and support pro-life candidates. 

However, all of that changed in May of 2007. On Mother's Day 2007, his pastor Jerry Cisar preached a sermon entitled, "The Number One problem in America today." He preached on the abortion issue. God used that sermon to open his eyes, not just to the horrors of abortion, but to the actions that he needed to take here in his own community.

He found out that there were five abortion clinics in St Petersburg-Clearwater, and five more in Tampa, right across the bridge. At the time, Florida had over 90 abortion facilities. 

He began praying about what he could do to stop this horror.

The LORD led Scott to the abortion facility on Central Avenue in St Petersburg in 2008 where he found some pro-life sidewalk counselors who were volunteering their own time to reach out with the love of Jesus. 

But then it dawned on him. If these gentle souls are only here several times a week, and the clinic is here 40 hours a week, then someone needs to be doing this work, FULL TIME. 

That is how FLORIDA PREBORN RESCUE was born.

Since 2009, Scott has been going to the local abortion facilities throughout Tampa Bay. He was able to retire from teaching in 2017 to do this work full-time. teaching and training other sidewalk counselors, and working toward the goal of having a pro-life presence every day that clinics are open.

Of course, this story would not be complete without his lovely and supportive wife Rebecca. They have been married since April 19, 2014 and enjoy life in Manatee County with their daughters, son, cat, and dog. 

Join us.


"I prayed for 20 years, but received no answer until I prayed with my legs." Frederick Douglass

Our Teams

St Petersburg (Central)